Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Right has been a while but I have been busy I promise.. Soo still the same project Skyway development has been godo alot of additional ideas and such been bouncing around the project we have made one major change, the intail idea was that these floating worlds would have 360 degreee roatation that would enable to to walk around the whole level this has been removed to make way for a simplyer but more interesting "anti-grav water cube" mechanic if we look at the image below we can see how the water may work.

These are pretty self explanatory they are cubes of water, So with that its means you can jump into one jump around and explore the environment as well as them being used as a plat-forming mechanic to jump into and out of to navigate around the level.

Meanwhile the group has gone off to do certain aspects of development.. I'm currently looking into level design and art style while Ollie L is writing the concept document whilst Ollie E is doing some character designs and has come up with a few designs for the main character who is still Oscar at the moment Ollie has come to a look and feel that we all like and Rich C has pretty much nailed down a few of the mechanics we want to use.

1 comment:

  1. i think u might have spelt character quite wrong :P
