Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Proper titles will now ensue!!! Presentation

Ok so its been a few days sine the presentation but to stop confusion I though I would just start from now as the "up-to date" blog will now progress.

So the presentation well "Good news everyone" it went very well I thought lots of interested faces in the audience when myself and Ollie L talked about various elements and kept everyone up to date with the progress people seem to take the idea and stylization well, And were impressed with the prototype video that Ollie E and Rich C managed to create as was I as I had only seem it a few hours previous but it showed off alot of mechanics and ideas we were going to implement into the full game which again was well received, There were a lot of questions after relating to the concept which I had a answer for all so we must be doing something right. A few ideas for reference which I will be checking soon. It was very nice to see others work as well some interesting ideas and concepts from everyone a lot of which I could easily see myself wanted to play when taken to that level. After the lesson it was time for reflection and a quick break before our tech session, Tech was good we worked on creating lights that changed when a certain event happened so in this instance it was turning and coding a light to go from red when in "closed" position to green when in "open" position this was interesting and I can see this kind of code coming in useful in future.

Well for those of you that wish to check out the video we had shown it is below.. the main aim is to show people the water cube mechanic so there are no textures just a player and the environment, this is exciting for us hope you enjoy.

Over and out till next time which will be weekly.

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