Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The start of a pinnacle in games design.....

The past week had been thinking about the start of a bit of light publicity for our game so we have begun the process of setting up a page on IndieDB a site which allows indie games to show off there work and a good place fore publishers to have a look at the ideas of young a talented minds :D..... But yeah we started up our group/company name if you like and with that I was set task along with my advisor Ollie L of creating a logo for our name...Team name...Company... Urgghhh I shall refer to it as our "Team Name" for now but yeah so we started to looking into our name which is SkyBox Games so with that looked into the ideas that came along with that name. Looked into ideas such as a sky landscape with a few images surrounding the landscape or some snazzy writing with a cloud underneath the text things such as this went on for hours but we finally wrote down and did some drafts of stuff we actually were looking for. Anyway here is what has come up so far comments are always welcome ofcourse this is a logo in process so many variations shall take place but take a look for now enjoy.......

And another

Some more....

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Proper titles will now ensue!!! Presentation

Ok so its been a few days sine the presentation but to stop confusion I though I would just start from now as the "up-to date" blog will now progress.

So the presentation well "Good news everyone" it went very well I thought lots of interested faces in the audience when myself and Ollie L talked about various elements and kept everyone up to date with the progress people seem to take the idea and stylization well, And were impressed with the prototype video that Ollie E and Rich C managed to create as was I as I had only seem it a few hours previous but it showed off alot of mechanics and ideas we were going to implement into the full game which again was well received, There were a lot of questions after relating to the concept which I had a answer for all so we must be doing something right. A few ideas for reference which I will be checking soon. It was very nice to see others work as well some interesting ideas and concepts from everyone a lot of which I could easily see myself wanted to play when taken to that level. After the lesson it was time for reflection and a quick break before our tech session, Tech was good we worked on creating lights that changed when a certain event happened so in this instance it was turning and coding a light to go from red when in "closed" position to green when in "open" position this was interesting and I can see this kind of code coming in useful in future.

Well for those of you that wish to check out the video we had shown it is below.. the main aim is to show people the water cube mechanic so there are no textures just a player and the environment, this is exciting for us hope you enjoy.

Over and out till next time which will be weekly.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Right we have presentation coming up soon I have done a few for the group so far but this time were going to be showing come gameplay elements and level designs that we really like so I'm hoping this one goes well as some of the stuff we have I really think would be cool but we shall have to see what the masses think. So there's been more mental activity again rather that physical production from me this week however I do have a few things to show... As we have settled on creating a pier for our vertical slice of game that we will be creating to show off the game I have started to look into various "sea side-ey" images and Ollie E has sent me images of piers that he informs me haven't burnt down yet so I have been using them for reference to come up with a few ideas.

Sorry if the image is slightly unclear but it is quite rough its basically a little sketch on a pier structure so I can pick out a few key points to implement into a design for our level. As I will have to take a structure that's is essentially rectangular in shape and fixed to a floor surface and take both those elements away this is going to be both interesting and fun. Lets give it a go.......

Hmm not happy with this some of the ideas a good but mehh im not sure about this and thus I will not show it in the presentation I'l come back to it after a revised thought on it. So there we go we have Ollie E and Rich C working on a prototype level and video to show off on the day and Ollie L is working on the presentation structure
and script so hopefully we are prepared and all goes well.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

In all fairness it has been a mentally busy but physically quite week for me...alot of thought has been going in the levels and everything I seem to create I don't like or doesn't fit in then I decided that instead of trying to create things out of the blue I would create one single image made from a compliment of Josh Keyes works a level collage "take lightly" so using a couple of his pieces I have cropped, adjusted and rotated his images to turn them into a level we could see in out came and the result were very useful as it gave me a idea of which way I could go...

So from this I started to go off on one a draw/create other environments and then took into consideration the roads that we might have to use to connect the levels together and this was a bit of a mental fence as a few of us had come up with ideas on how to make the roads but they weren't looking as exciting as we wanted them to be as we had look into creating something like the race tracks you can see from the Wipeout games (Big kudos to the Wipeout guys love there games the new Wipeout HD Fury game is awesome) so I had a look around for things that may help us to create these twisted "Wipeout" like roads.

So with this video teaching me this technique I took to creating a few boxes that would represent a few levels and tried to connect them using roads that would twist bend and rotate around the levels and it was hard but the results in the end were more than worth it... with this technique we can create technical roads in a reasonable amount of time for normal roads or for more simple creations will will stick to a default tool in Maya2010 but these method seems the best at the moment for creating other roads we will need.

With the roads out the way...for now I turn my attention to getting out some concept art for our levels and I referred back to my picture I created using Josh Keyes images and started to create a world that would represent a wilderness and country feel, I looked a various things just as well as "wilderness" images as I was creating a environment which was not like any other I had seen before so with this I starting doodling a few things and jotting annotations down to get the creating petroleum going... few hours later and a couple of energy drinks and strange lines on the page started to form some sort of imagery.. alas a first concept image this was to take the form of a cute little bear village that was suffering from neighbourly pollution.

Now how about we pop this image into PhotoshopCS5....

How about another image that came together...

I really like this one it might not be the most interesting to look at but man this could be one hell of a maze level for us the water pocket bits you can see would go all around the diamond almost entangling the object and you could swim all the way around reaching different areas but at the same time trying to get to a certain part would be fun. Touch of CS5 is in order???

Grass looks ok at the moment but you can get the idea of the level from this..going to add a bit more detail later but this will be fine fro the presentation we have coming up soon, the background is a image were thinking of developing and using as a skybox its out of resolution there but that will be sorted. Anyway we came up with a team name as y'know were that awesome we need one so we came up with one didn't like it so that's a work in progress and we have a new character called Hooch who I think is absolutely awesome check Ollie Elliot's blog for him.

Anyway ta ta for now.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Right has been a while but I have been busy I promise.. Soo still the same project Skyway development has been godo alot of additional ideas and such been bouncing around the project we have made one major change, the intail idea was that these floating worlds would have 360 degreee roatation that would enable to to walk around the whole level this has been removed to make way for a simplyer but more interesting "anti-grav water cube" mechanic if we look at the image below we can see how the water may work.

These are pretty self explanatory they are cubes of water, So with that its means you can jump into one jump around and explore the environment as well as them being used as a plat-forming mechanic to jump into and out of to navigate around the level.

Meanwhile the group has gone off to do certain aspects of development.. I'm currently looking into level design and art style while Ollie L is writing the concept document whilst Ollie E is doing some character designs and has come up with a few designs for the main character who is still Oscar at the moment Ollie has come to a look and feel that we all like and Rich C has pretty much nailed down a few of the mechanics we want to use.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Hi, Right alot has gone on and is going on. These few sections maybe a bit confusing for you to understand but bare with me when the weeks have cuaght up all will make sense, The titles are goin to refer to when this subject actually occurred.

First off new project has started!!!! my last year of uni now and its about time I showed people what I'm made of and stuff made by me.. So we start this one off with a team of people which I have come to know over the years the group is myself Ollie Ludgrove, Ollie Elliot and Richard Coughlin all of which and blogs aswell and there contributions can be found on there respective blogs. Right so to begin we started looking into older games around about the PSONE genereation and looked into games such as kula world and other such puzzle/adventure games and we decided very quickly that this was the direction we wanted insted of a serious story line and enviroment we wanted to look into a sandbox/platform puzzle game that would be both fun and iinteresting to make and play.

We found a artist called Josh Keyes and his artwork inspired us to make a environment based around a few elements from his peices. Ollie E made a mood board for us to look at and grab ideas from.

From this you can see what were going for its going to be a environment that will consist largely of floating objects/levels and interesting level design were really into make something that going to be interesting to play in as well as to look at. The art style and colouration we are going for come from these kind if images, using very much "block" colours and shading but very well could differ from level to level.

From this we have come up with the idea of Skyway and the adventures of Oscar Rocket-cycle (working title) This is a game were Oscar is a do-gooder who helps around his village with various tasks that need to be done in the village and neighbouring areas. Oscars village is very much going to be the HUB level which we want to to feel like you can spend as much time there as you wish if you want to stay there and piss around with your rocket-bike that's up to you??? The game is going to have and I use the term lightly "free-roam" elements we really don't want you to feel rushed into having to do anything straight away. The other levels around Oscars village will very much be like the structure of a tree or honeycomb as they will have roads that stretch out to connect to the other levels and Oscar can use his bike to travel to these levels.

Overall the aim is for this game to attract any gamer but at the same time keeping original concepts and something different, really looking forward to the outcome.